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This is a digital file, and will be sent to your email address upon purchase. I will continue to update the resource as I progress in my journey, and I will keep a list of folks that purchased, and provide updates as they become available.  (I've already sent out three updates!)


Customer Feedback from Oregon:

I can see already that your resource guide answers many of my beginning broom maker questions. So helpful!


Resource Guide Info

When I first started broommaking, and went to a studio to do so, I was not provided a list of necessary tools, and where and how to purchase them. I conducted extensive research to find all of the supplies and tools I needed to be successful. As I progressed in my broom-making journey, and in obtaining resources, I documented it all in this resource.


If you are just starting out as a broomsquire, or even if you've been making brooms for awhile, this resource guide will provide you with the following:


  • List of 70+ broom-making supplies and/or equipment, inspirational broom makers, broom maker's forums and classes.  Primary categories included:  Books, Broom maker's forums, Classes, U-Tubes, Cording, Cutting Tools, Dyeing tools and various products including natural dye, Fiber, Handle Sources, Inspiration, Knives, Leather Hang-Tie Sources, Nails, Production Tools and Sources, Sewing Vises, Shaving Mule, Tying Table.  They have all been tested by either me or other broomsquires.
  • Think about when you take a class - my experience has been I leave with a broom (that needs refinement!) and basic knowledge.  Instructors, in my experience, don't provide resources and where to purchase, dying information, other mediums for learning, etc.  This guide does, and it is an inexpensive means to gain that information compared to class fees:)
  • Inclusive of the following:
    • Category such as book, type of cording, cutting tools, various dyeing resources, etc.
    • Specific name of product
    • Name of supplier
    • Link to supplier if supplier is online.
    • Details on what the resource is used for
    • Cost if available - obviously, this is subject to change based on the vendor, but it gives you an idea of the price of the item.
    • Notes from Val - why it is recommended, etc.



Category 1:  Cording

Cateogry 2:  #18 500 ft Braided/Tarred Duck Decoy Line

Info:  For sewing broom.  Can also use waxed linen, but waxed linen is expensive. 

Resource:  Wallace Cordage Company

Cost:  $8.88 plus shipping


My request of you if you do purchase the resource, is to honor all of the extended efforts I put into this resource, and not post it online or share it with others.

Broom-making Resource Guide - Excel File

Excluding Sales Tax

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